Category: doilies

Christmas Tree Doily Set

Just noticed that the pattern is for sale at

                      Link = Christmas Treee Doily Set — [download pattern for $$ on]

[It will not include changes for color or Row 28 picot design.]


Download the below graphic pages for useable pattern: [from Annie’s Favorite Crochet Magazine, Dec 2004 starting on page 33.

Final size will be determined by how you crochet.  If you crochet tightly, [close to the hook with good tension and stitch sizing] then you will have a final doily size that is smaller.  If you crochet loosely, [higher on the hook and loose stitches, then the doily will end up larger]. Of course, you can always use a smaller thread size and smaller hook.

  • It should be noted that the displayed doily in colors of red/green/white has alternate Row 28 and color change instruction:

The doily picture and pattern is not of a doily of my making. I don’t know who the creator of the doily in color is as I have forgotten the website I saw it on.

The doily is for sale on [completed doily] for $$.  It is well worth the money if you do not crochet or just want a completed doily.